Park Proud

The Cyclopark Charity cannot operate without the support of members and volunteers who make our venue and surrounding areas safer, tidier and more accessible

Cyclopark is, and will continue, to engage in several projects across the Ride, Fitness and Play activities and is calling on members and the local community to get involved in Working Together For Our Community.

If you have a spare day in your week and wish to do some good within our community, click here to register your interest in our upcoming projects with the Cyclopark Charity!

Existing Park Proud Members recently tackled the public access footpath that runs parallel with the Cyclopark. By joining forces with the local community, we were able to cut back overgrown pathways, making them accessible once again.

We also completed a litter pick en masse, making the area cleaner, more environmentally friendly and visually pleasing to those who use the footpath on a daily basis for running, commuting, cycling, dog walking and everything in between.

We have a list of projects, upcoming and ongoing, to get involved in so be sure to get stuck in!